Our Summer City Camp EVERYONE CAN has been operating for two days now with a solid dose of letters, a little less numbers and a happy time spent with kinetic sand 😊 Now we will tell you what and why we did, and you, if you want, try one of our activities. 🤩
✅ We started by getting to know the letters A, M and E. We colored them, and around each letter we stuck pictures of things whose names start with the corresponding sound. While gluing, we pronounced the initial sound clearly and loudly to feel how the word begins – Shark, Lamb, Mouse, Bear, Deer, Christmas Tree…
✅ We found the way in letter mazes – we had to find a certain letter among other letters. This helped us even more to recognize the specific letter and search for a solution to the problem in the maze.
✅ For a break, we built ninjas and robots (we may only have one man in the group at the moment, but he makes a lot of interesting robots!), fought with them and arranged an exhibition of our creations. This helps us to develop our fine motor skills, our imagination, and above all – we learn how to be friends!
✅ We were looking for hidden treasure in kinetic sand! The numbers 0 to 9 were deeply hidden in trays of sand, and we, like true paleontologists, cleaned them with a brush and placed them in the correct places at the base of the puzzle. This provided us with both a pleasant sensory activity and a specific goal in discovering the puzzle pieces.
✅ We had a good time playing with the sand, numbers, shapes, brushes… we even tried to fill balloons with sand.
✅ We wrote letters and shapes with our fingers in salt using the great embossing cards from Carrot Publishing.
Tomorrow we continue with a fish and jellyfish workshop. And on Thursday – again letters, numbers and sensory stimulating activities.
If you want to get involved (even just for a day), come every weekday between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. to Club EVERYONE CAN in Plovdiv 😍
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