We are happy to invite you to a Charity Concert entitled “Everyone Can Be Happy”! ❤
Here are the official details:
“On June 16, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., the Regional Administration of Plovdiv will turn its lobby into a concert hall. Come to a magical charity concert with the participation of the outstanding opera singer Ivaylo Mihailov. We promise that there will be more pleasant surprises.
The funds raised will support the Up with Down Foundation’s Anyone Can Club, whose aim is to develop a special meeting place, activities, dance, creativity, learning and fun for families with children with Down syndrome.
Entrance to the event is with themed cards at a price of 20 BGN. Everyone who joins will become a part of the cause and together we will help the Everyone Can Club to continue spreading smiles and happiness.
Admission is free for families with children with Down syndrome.
The concert is organized with the free support of:
Ivaylo Mihailov, Drama Theater Plovdiv, “Up with Down” Foundation, RCPPO- Plovdiv, wedding restaurant “Kadife”, Winery “Brestovitsa”
Благотворителен концерт „Всеки може да бъде щастлив“ – в подкрепа на деца със синдрома на Даун
We thank Bulbrand for the wonderful cards they made for us.